
Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

Polycystic ovaries and ovarian hyper-stimulation: What do we need to know?-Part 2

Posted On March 14, 2013 / By / Posted in Womens Problems

Polycystic ovaries and ovarian hyper-stimulation: What do we need to know?-Part 2

Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation (OHSS) results from an excessive response of the ovaries to the fertility drugs. Women having polycystic ovaries (PCOD/PCOS) and undergoing fertility treatment with fertility enhancing drugs are more prone to

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Posted On March 9, 2013 / By / Posted in Womens Problems

Polycystic Ovaries and Ovarian Hyperstimulation: What do we need to know about?

Ovarian hyper-stimulation (OHSS)is a dreaded complication which occurs due to the use of fertility enhancing injections in women suffering from Polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS).Lot of women also know PCOS as PCOD(Polycystic ovarian disease).

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