Most women follow some kind of routine to keep their private parts healthy. Often, some habits have a bearing on sex life and possible future risk of diseases like cancer
1) Avoid Douching the vagina: Douching and deep cleaning the vagina by pushing in cleansing liquids or using tissues to wipe the vagina from deep within is no longer considered healthy. It may be harmful and cause internal injuries and burns. Many decades back women used to douche using natural ingredients like yogurt for yeast infection but better treatment is now available and one should seek proper medical advice in case of any trouble.

2) Stop ignoring heavy periods: A lot of women falsely believe that it is natural for periods to become heavy closer to menopause. If your periods are coming more frequently than three weeks or are heavier and lasting more than a week, you must get a check-up done to rule out medical issues which may turn nasty with time.

3) Stop applying talcum powder on the vaginal skin
to feel fresh. There is evidence that use of too much talcum can increase your risk of certain types of cancer. If you feel sweaty, you may on occasion apply the talcum on top of your undergarments so it will absorb the sweat by capillary action. If you feel very wet, it is better to change panties often and sleep without any underwear at night so that the area can breathe.

4) Do not use panty liners or pads for very long
as the plastic lining does not allow the area to breathe and may cause frequent infections. Also the constant irritation due to friction may cause itchiness and redness of the area. It is best to change the pads or liners after 6-8 hours to avoid making them too wet.

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5) Kegel’s exercises are very important for women of all ages. Lot of women do them during their childbearing years but forget about them gradually leading to urinary leakage problems with coughing or sneezing etc. They keep the vaginal skin in good health and prevent problems like prolapsed or urinary incontinence. One needs to act as if one is stopping the flow of urine midway, and repeat it in sets of 10-12, two to three times a day as part of these ex