The root cause of warts stems from the Human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV) of which there are a hundred different types, each capable of causing a distinct type of warts. One can fall prey to the virus through particular channels with varying seriousness.


The HPV grows and nurtures in a warm, moist environment, like bathrooms, swimming pools, and gyms, and is highly contagious if your skin comes into contact with it, spreading from body part to body part, and one person to another. The best way to avoid getting warts would be to altogether skip public shower rooms, pools and gyms. Wear slippers or gloves, and avoid coming into contact with possibly affected places if a family member is infected.


Coming in contact with an infected person through mere touching of the tainted area, or intimate relation through intercourse, oral and anal sex can transmit the virus between partners. This is the case of a sexually transmitted disease (STD), and rather a severe one that can eventually cause genitalia cancer and may even prove fatal. The best and obvious way to protect yourself would be to keep a good distance from the infected, practice safe sex by using condoms, or pause your sex life for the time being for optimum results.


When you have suffered open wounds, cuts and lacerations, that’s when your body is most prone to attract HPV. We all are aware the air contains a countless number of living organisms, including bacteria and viruses, and there’s nothing better for the HPV to feast on than a fragile, wounded body. Tend to your bruises immediately and don’t leave them open and vulnerable.

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A weak immune system means overall bad news for the body. Most of the time, the immune system fights the HPV back and prevents it from causing serious damage to your health. When the defense mechanism is weak, not much can be expected. Because of a weak immune system, warts are pretty common in children. Following a healthy and proper diet, exercising, and getting sufficient rest can help boost the immune system, making it stronger to tackle the unwelcomed virus from taking over the body.


For some, warts are not something they’d pay much attention to. This lack of attention can have a negative effect when the warts give way to cancer, or become perpetual, as they can ruin your life forever. It is, therefore, better to get out of the comfort-zone and treat the problem before it affects you and others around you.