How to get rid of warts at home?


Warts are a common skin condition with a wide range of remedies. Usually affecting adults, old people and sometimes children, warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) through physical contact or getting in touch with virus in its natural habitat. There are many forms of HPV and each is capable of causing a different type of wart, most of which are neither contagious nor dangerous.


However, some forms of this virus can have dire effects, such as causing cancer, especially in the genitals. To start off, the best way to protect yourself from the virus is through vaccination, Gardasil and Cervarix being the most common ones. This eliminates the risk before it materializes. However, if that didn’t work for some reason and you are looking for ways to get rid of warts, read on.


BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: The virus becomes more powerful and is likely to attack bodies that cannot fight back, in other words, a weak immune system. Make sure you are not stressing yourself out, getting enough sleep, eating a proper diet, exercising and taking some immune boosters, like vitamin C, astragals, olive leaf, elderberry, zinc, and turmeric.


USE ACIDS: Acids peel away the skin, taking warts with it. Dab lighter acids, like vinegar, lemon juice, orange juice, and pineapples on your skin. Before you apply the acid, soak the affected skin in warm water and scrub it with has any item which has a rough surface, like a pumice stone or nail file. This will soften the skin so the acid works better.

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FREEZE THE WARTS: Now, this sounds rather strange but you could use a cold spray treatment for therapeutic results. Don’t freeze your warts with ice cubes, but get a cold spray or liquid nitrogen in any form and spray the affected area. This will cause a blister around the warts that would eventually fall off, taking the warts with it. Preferably get a professional to handle this.


GARLIC: Crush garlic with some water to make a paste. Apply it on the warts and seal it with a band-aid. Apply fresh paste every few hours before thoroughly washing the area.


ALOE VERA: Known for its many curative qualities, Aloe Vera comes in handy when treating warts. The presence of malic acid helps remove the damaged tissue. Just apply the pulp on the affected area and gently rub it.


The remedies mentioned above are some that you can try in the comfort of your home. Should they not work, you can always get professional help. Remember, if warts are not painful doesn’t mean they are not dangerous! In fact, a lot of the time untreated warts pave way to genitalia cancer, damaging your sex life and life in general. Don’t be lazy, get up and get checked, for present and for the future, through vaccination.