1) Laugh out aloud: Remember people doing loud laughing in the parks as part of their yoga session. Well it has been proved scientifically that laughing out loud reduces your stress hormones immediately and reduces risk of heart diseases.

Better still if you have tears in your eyes while laughing. So put up a comedy movie or a show, or join a yoga group for your share of laughter therapy if you feel stressed.

2) Play with your pet: Your pets are an unconditional source of love and affection. When you pet them or play with them for even a few minutes, it releases endorphins and reduces stress hormones. Be sure to wash your hands nicely after playing with them.

3) Physical exercise:  Any form of physical activity will boost up your mood for the time being. Even when you are not going to the gym, you could help in the house, moving clutter from your kids rooms or managing kitchen cupboards etc. You will not only manage your blood pressure better but feel more useful by using your time more productively. Getting physical with your loved one is a good way to remain fit also.

4) Increase your intake of Vitamin C containing fruits like lemons, berries or oranges etc. Amla is one of the richest sources of vitamin C and should be taken in raw form for best results.

5) Sing a song along with your favourite band. Better is to sing and dance along even if you are out of tune or out of steps. If your friends also join in and participate it doubles the fun and reduces stress four times. Group singing sessions are known for their stress bursting properties.

6) Blow some bubble gum balloons and act childish at times. Chewing a gum not only burns more calories but it is a very good jaw exercise also.

7) Deep breathing, pranayam and meditation are all known to increase the body oxygen utilization and reduce levels of stress hormones. Take time out to smell the freshness of flowers and aroma of blossoms around to feel truly blessed and happy.

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