After 40 years of age, the hormonal level of a woman starts going down. And one of its many effects is slower metabolism leading to increased body weight. In order to successfully reduce your weight despite your increase age, the following tips may help you greatly:

1. Adjust your calorie consumption

The lower calories you add to your body after every meal, the lower work your body has to do to burn it. If you would like to lose around one pound each week, try to remove as much as 500 calories from your diet. But never cut out on vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients. Be sure to focus your diet on fruits, vegetables, and healthy meat choices.

It may be a good idea to have your basic metabolic rate (BMR) checked from a nutritionist. This gives an idea about how much you need to put in your stomach. Sometimes, in sedentary women the basic calorie requirement is shockingly low to say 1000-1100 cal per day. So one needs to adjust the intake accordingly.

2. Drink a lot of water and fluids

If you can increase your water intake to more than just the usual eight glasses a day, do so. Water helps a lot in facilitating the many functions of the organs in your body. Drink a lot of fresh fruit juices as well so you can take advantage in the nutrients in those too.

3. Mix aerobic exercises with strength training

As you get older, increasing the body’s metabolism gets a lot trickier. At 40, aerobic exercises simply won’t suffice. You have got to do some strength training as well, but always with a knowledgeable trainer. Enlist at gyms with trainers who can personally assess how much weight you can handle at your age and physical condition.

4. Get more sleep

Sleep is a very crucial element in one’s health. Whether you’re or not trying to lose weight, you are advised to get at least eight hours’ worth of sleep everyday. Sleep aids in managing body weight because it makes your muscles relax. Bur more than that, two of the most important body’s hormones that control both satiety and hunger are regulated during sleep.

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5. See your doctor

There’s no better person to consult when you’re 40 and obese than a health expert. Get professional health advices on what diet, exercise, and lifestyle you must lead in order to get to the weight that you wanted. Seeing a doctor regularly for this purpose will also help you keep your motivation.