It is a medically known fact that tea, coffee, and colas contain a chemical caffeine which is responsible for giving you the feeling of mental and physical alertness. Caffeine is also present to some extent in chocolate.

If you take these beverages only very occasionally, a single cup of coffee can increase your blood pressure by upto 10mm Hg. However if you take it every day, your body gets used to its effects and there may not be any effect on your blood pressure, even in the long run. Women who suffer from low blood pressure will actually benefit from an occasional cuppa.


People who have an established history of heart disease need to be cautious if they take more than 2 cups of coffee and equivalent per day. In the long run caffeine may increase anxiety and depression.

On the other hand long term caffeine intake of more than 2 cups a day may reduce age related memory loss, parkinson’s disease, liver cirrhosis and onset of diabetes.

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If you want to make your cuppa super efficient and boost your metabolism further, just sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon powder on top. It may just help you loose weight faster…