Posted On November 24, 2017 /
By Dr. Seema Sharma / Posted in Womens Problems
I leak a small amount of urine at the time is sex. Is it normal?
I leak a small amount of urine at the time is sex. Is it normal? Is leaking of urine while having sex normal or it indicates some problem? Leakage Small amount
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Posted On November 21, 2017 /
By Dr. Seema Sharma / Posted in Pregnancy care
I get sore after sex. Is it normal?
I get sore after sex. Is it normal? Why do majority of the women get sore after sex? Is it normal? Soreness following sexual intercourse is common in majority of
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Posted On November 17, 2017 /
By Dr. Seema Sharma / Posted in Womens Problems
My panties are always wet. Is it normal?
My panties are always wet. Is it normal? Why are the panties always wet? Is it normal or is it a sign of something abnormal? It is very common for
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