How long does it take for hymen repair surgery?
How long does it take for hymen repair surgery? What is the time taken to do a hymen repair surgery? Hymen repair surgery also referred to as hymenoplasty, is the procedure
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What is virginity restoration procedure? (Hymen Repair)
What is virginity restoration procedure? (Hymen Repair)What is hymen repair surgery? Is it a temporary or a permanent surgical procedure? The hymen is a membrane or a thin tissue layer that is
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Gestational Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes Definition Gestational Diabetes that occurs during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. It usually affects women during the 24th week of pregnancy. Similar to the other type of diabetes
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Swelling & varicose veins during pregnancy
Swelling & varicose veins during pregnancy Swelling & varicose veins are common conditions seen during pregnancy. Varicose veins A varicose vein is defined as swelling in the veins, which bulge near the
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Skin changes during pregnancy
Skin changes during pregnancy not only cause changes in the internal body but also on the outer body. The outer body changes mainly refer to the skin changes, which may be seen
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Morning Sickness during Pregnancy
Morning sickness is a common symptom seen in most of the females during early pregnancy. Presence of increased levels of hCG in the blood is the most common cause of morning
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Vaginal discharge during pregnancy
Vaginal discharge during pregnancy Vaginal discharge is the first sign of pregnancy and continues throughout the pregnancy The body undergoes numerous changes during pregnancy. Out of these changes the first one is
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Itching & Vaginal discharge
Itching & Vaginal discharge ‘Itching often accompanies discharge from the vagina.’ Discharge from the vagina can be both, normal or abnormal. Any abnormal discharge is accompanied by many symptoms, itching being
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I had small pinkish discharge after sex… am I suffering from cancer?
I had small pinkish discharge after sex… am I suffering from cancer? What is the significance of pink coloured discharge after sex, does it imply that a woman has cancer?
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My vaginal discharge has increased after sex with my boyfriend. Did I get a STD?
My vaginal discharge has increased after sex with my boyfriend. Did I get a STD? Is the increased vaginal discharge after sex an indication of a STD? Discharge from the
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